Install Android apps from APK files on WSA with WSATools

WSATools is a freeware app that you can use to install Android apps from APK files on WSA . While Windows 10 can run Linux apps using the WLS subsystem, Windows 11 can also run Android apps using the WSA subsystem. The subsystem available in the Microsoft Store includes the Amazon Appstore. Sadly, the Amazon Appstore doesn’t include as many apps as Google Store has.Other applications and games can be installed from APK files using the command line or PowerShell.

Since this method is not very convenient, third-party developers have created an alternative and simpler solution.

The Italian developer Simone Franko has released the WSATools app, which makes the installation of Android applications from APK files as easy as a few mouse clicks.

You can install it from the same Windows Store by clicking on the link:

If you don’t have Windows Subsystem for Android, install it by following the official guide by Microsoft. If you are having issue with installing it, you can follow our alternative solution.

How to install APK files for Android apps in WSA using WSATools

  1. Open the WSA settings in the Start menu.
  2. Now, enable its developer mode.
  3. Run the installed WSATools utility and click the “Select APK” button.
  4. Select the Android application APK file. WSATools will offer to install the Android Debug Bridge utility, so click the ‘Install’ button to proceed.
  5. Specify the folder where the Android Debug Bridge files will be placed.

We recommend you to create a separate directory for the Android Debug Bridge in the root of the C drive and give it a suitable name, say, ADB. When the ADB installation is complete, a new “open file” dialog will open. There you can select the APK files of the application or game to finally install it.

Checking the presence of Android Debug Bridge is one-time action. In the future, when you click the “Select APK” button, it will no longer appear. Now you can also install APK files from the Explorer context menu, which WSATools adds after installation.

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