Show Windows from All Desktops in Alt+Tab and Taskbar in Windows 10

How to Show Windows from All Desktops in Alt+Tab and Taskbar in Windows 10.

Windows 10 allows having virtual desktops and arranging Windows between them. The feature is called Task View. There are some options that you can change for virtual desktops. For your convenience, Windows 10 only shows current desktop windows in the taskbar and Alt+Tab.
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How to Manage Virtual Desktops in Windows 10 (Task View)

Windows 10 comes with a brand new feature – virtual desktops. For users of Mac OS X or Linux, this feature exists for long time, but for Windows users it is a step forward. Here is how to manage Virtual Desktops.

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How to Hide Search and Task View from Taskbar in Windows 10

Windows 10 comes with a Search box and a Task View button enabled on the taskbar. They take up valuable space on the taskbar. Although they look like any other regular pinned app, they have no context menu. Windows 10 users may want to hide these controls to get more room for running apps. Here is how to get rid of the Search box and the Task View button on the taskbar.

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