Ventoy is one of the most convenient tools available for creating multiboot flash drives. Unlike other programs, Ventoy allows users to swap the OS images on the flash drive with ease. Its developers have now created another program called iVentoy. It focuses on booting computers over a local network rather than from a flash drive. Continue reading “How to use iVentoy to install Windows over your network”
How to play a sound when press the PrintScreen key in Windows 11, 10 and 8.1
On Windows, there are two primary methods to capture screenshots without relying on third-party tools. You can either use the built-in “Snipping Tool” app, or the PrintScreen key. The second one even more convenient, thought it doesn’t support annotation nor has any UI. Pressing the PrintScreen key captures screenshots and saves them to the clipboard.
Continue reading “How to play a sound when press the PrintScreen key in Windows 11, 10 and 8.1”
Nilesoft Shell adds highly customizable Windows context menus
In Windows 11, Microsoft has made significant changes to File Explorer, including the addition of a new context menu that cannot be easily modified using popular context menu editor programs. As a result, developers of such programs had to create new editors that support working with the new Windows 11 OS. One example of such an editor is Nilesoft Shell, a free context menu manager. Continue reading “Nilesoft Shell adds highly customizable Windows context menus”
Fix screen not dimming when taking screenshots in Windows 11 and Windows 10
In a recent article, we learned how to reset the screenshot counter for captures with the ⊞ Win + PrintScreen . Today we will continue with the screenshot topic. Let’s fix the issue when pressing ⊞ Win + PrintScreen does not dim the screen, and learn why it happens. When you create a screenshot using the specified key, the screen should go darken for a moment, which is a confirmation of the screenshot capture. Continue reading “Fix screen not dimming when taking screenshots in Windows 11 and Windows 10”
How to enable Mica in Edge and other Windows apps
In terms of new features, Windows 11 is pretty similar to its predecessor. However, the design of the new system version has undergone significant changes, transforming its core elements. Windows 11 incorporates the Acrylic and Mica effects. The Acrylic effect is something that resembles the look of Windows 7 Aero. On the other hand, the Mica effect is a recent addition, introducing a fresh visual element to the system.
Continue reading “How to enable Mica in Edge and other Windows apps”
How to find out when user has changed the Windows password
Frequently, administrators suggest changing the Windows account password periodically, but this can occasionally have adverse effects on the local network. In such situations, administrators might want to identify if any user with the necessary privileges modified the account password, along with the precise timing of the change, and whether any account login issues are associated with password expiration. Continue reading “How to find out when user has changed the Windows password”
How to reset the screenshot index in Windows 11 and 10
In Windows 11, there are at least two ways to create screenshots. You can use the preintalled Snipping Tool and the ⊞ Win + PrintScreen key combination. The last method is the most convenient and fastest, since it does not bring up additional confirmations in dialog boxes. PNG screenshots will be saved to the %userprofile%\Pictures\Screenshots
directory and are named “Screenshot (X)” , where X is the image number.
Continue reading “How to reset the screenshot index in Windows 11 and 10”
How to enable seconds for taskbar clock in Windows 11
The system clock displayed in the Windows 11 tray has the capability to show not just hours and minutes, but also seconds. This functionality existed in previous versions of the operating system. However, in the graphical interface of some Windows 10 and Windows 11 versions, there is no readily available option to add seconds to the clock display. If you find no option in the Settings app to show seconds in the system clock, you can either make changes in the registry or go with third-party apps like ElevenClock. Continue reading “How to enable seconds for taskbar clock in Windows 11”
How to enable the built-in Edge Photo viewer in the Edge browser
In the coming future, Microsoft Edge browser will introduce a new feature that might come as a pleasant surprise to many users. This feature is a comprehensive image viewer, which enables users to view images stored in local directories. Moreover, it provides the option to open images in a separate web browser window. Continue reading “How to enable the built-in Edge Photo viewer in the Edge browser”
Connect your physical graphics card to Hyper-V in Windows 11 or 10
It is not surprising that many graphics APIs do not work in virtualization systems like VMware, VirtualBox, or Hyper-V because they emulate a poor video card to save hardware resources. This limitation is the reason why certain effects, such as window rounding, may be unavailable when using Windows 11 on a virtual machine. Continue reading “Connect your physical graphics card to Hyper-V in Windows 11 or 10”